“Why is my house not selling?” Many homeowners ask this question, and it’s a question that has many answers. It could be that your house is too expensive. Another explanation is that the buyers think that it’s not worth their time or interest. It could also be that the property is simply too old or appears to be as such.
It could be any one of these reasons or all of them. In any case, houses that couldn’t be sold isn’t a new phenomenon. It’s as old as the real estate market. So if you are having a hard time to sell your home then here are few things that may explain why that’s the case.
It’s Too Expensive
Any house in any condition can be sold, but only at the right price. If your house is not getting any decent offers then it’s probably because of its price. An over-priced property is defined as any property whose current condition does not justify its price.
For example, a house that needs repairs is not likely to attract a lot of buyers if they are sold at market prices, and this is because buyers don’t like to worry about repair and renovation costs. So they’ll only buy it at a discount. The same is true for old and looking houses. These types of houses look cheap, and so, buyers will only buy them at low prices.
It’s Been Around On the Market For Too Long
Home Buyers will often assume that a particular property is flawed in some way if it has been on the market for too long. After all, if no one wants to buy a house then it’s plausible that there’s something wrong with it. So before you put up that “For Sale” sign, you should first create a plan that will allow you to sell it in a month or two. Any more, and people will begin to suspect that there’s something wrong with your property, in which case, you will be forced to lower the price.
It Makes Bad Impressions
Creating good impressions is important in selling real estate. A bad impression, no matter how wrong or how biased, will convince most buyers to seek other options.
Likewise, a good impression has the opposite effect. If a prospective buyer is impressed by your property then that good impression will stick with them throughout most of the negotiation process, and they will be more likely to offer you a better offer.
It Has Poor Listing Photos
Once you decide to sell your house, you should remember that most buyers find properties on the internet or at the office of trusted real estate agents. So before your buyers can even get the chance to see your property, they will first see a photo of it on the internet or some real estate site. If they like what they see on the photo then they are more likely to buy your house. If not, they will move on to other options.
In fact, listing photos are so important that some real estate agents will even go so far as to hire rental drones to take aerial pictures of their clients’ houses. So if your house is not attracting a lot of attention then you may want to take new photos. This won’t guarantee a sale, but it can help attract more potential buyers, and that’s always a good thing.
It is Uninsurable
Uninsurable houses are often synonymous with bad properties, and this is because insurance companies refuse to insure houses that cannot meet certain basic standards, including electrical, plumbing, roofing and cooling standards.
Another problem is that the only people who buy uninsurable properties are those who have the ability to pay cash and then renovate the house to comply with local insurance standards. Although these types of buyers do exist, there aren’t a lot of them.
Lenders Won’t Lend On Your House
If you can’t get a mortgage then that will harm your ability to sell your house. Thanks to the Federal Housing Agency, only homes that can meet certain standards are considered eligible for mortgages. In other words, if your house or parts of it are in poor condition then you may not be able to get a mortgage for your house and your cash house buyers will consider that a sign that you’re house is not worth buying.
Your House Looks Dark
This reason is not always true, but it’s a problem that many home owners face. Dark homes appear smaller, tighter and more cluttered than they actually are, and this sort of problem can cause buyers to shy away from these kinds of properties.
The best solution for this type of problem is to hire someone to organize your house in a way that makes it appear more spacious or at the very least, more organized. The less clutter a particular property has, the more spacious it appears, even if it’s actually quite small. This goes back to the earlier point about impressions. A spacious house creates very good impressions on potential buyers.
What Should You Do If You Can’t Seem to Sell Your House?
If you just can’t seem to sell your property then we have the solution to your problems. We are cash buyers of houses in San Antonio, Texas, and we specialize in providing fast and efficient solutions for property owners who need to liquidate their real estate assets as quickly as possible, for the best prices possible.
Our buying process is quite simple:
– First you provide us with your property’s address and your contact information.
– We will analyze the value of your property (for free)
– We present you with our offer
– If you agree to our offer, we will release your payment as soon as possible
We also would like to add that we take all kinds of houses, regardless of their age or condition. We will even take houses that have been damaged by fire and natural disasters.
Also, unlike ordinary home buyers, we are prepare to take any property on short notice. This means no more negotiations, house tours, real estate agents or listings. So if your house has been on the market for several months, and you’re tired of waiting, just give us a call and we will be more than willing to provide you a fair price for it.